Steve Mitten - B.ApSc., CPCC, MCC
How to Find Your Authentic (And Profitable) Niche as a Coach
Finding your niche as a coach means finding your calling. It is about finally finding a profitable and fulfilling focus for your coaching practice, where you are making a great living working with people you feel called to work with. It's about getting to the place in your practice where you can authentically and easily attract a steady stream of ideal clients.
Having witnessed thousands of coaches struggling to fill their practices with ineffective marketing strategies, Steve believes establishing a good niche is “the single most important factor to get right”. (Because, once you know who we are marketing to, and what they want to accomplish, and what they are doing now, and where they hang out, etc, - the rest of your marketing becomes so much easier and more effective.)
Join Master Coach Steve Mitten in this one hour teleclass to learn the key practical and proven steps to help you identify and develop a profitable coaching niche - that you absolutely love.
Steve Mitten CPCC, MCC, 2007 Canadian Coach of The Year, 2005 International Coach Federation President, is an internationally recognized Master Coach that works with individuals, leaders, executives and business owners. He helps his client get clear, get a plan and enjoy far more success, meaning and happiness in their lives, careers and businesses.
Steve is also an expert on the marketing of coaching services. He is the author of MARKETING ESSENTIALS FOR COACHES, a yogi and a long-time student of developmental and positive psychology, myth, and the wisdom traditions.